Donald J. Trump. The world's richest 2nd grade bully is currently the President-elect of these United *cough* States of America. I could go on a diatribe about his lack of character, his comments about every ethnic group represented by the Olympics, or his well-documented financial controversies. That shit is boring yo.
All signs point to Trump's Presidency to becoming the most corrupt administrations of our lifetime. We literally elected a man who only wanted to be President last year. A President who "pretended" to run for President three times already. Despite his shortcomings, hair and temperament, he's "possibly" not the most corrupt person to hold the Presidency.
There's skepticism in anyone who raises hundreds of millions of dollars to hold a job that pays 400K a year. Tons of legitimate and illegitimate deals and agreements have to be made in order for anyone to propel themselves to the Presidency. You have to hire friends, and enemies in order to maintain an unhealthy balance of law and order in politics.
U.S history has a laundry list of Presidential failures. Our country is still faced with ramifications based on the mistakes past Presidents made. Corruption and politicians go together like a Kardashian and a black celebrity. We've had Presidents resign in disgrace, Presidents impeached, and multiple Presidents assassinated. This job sucks and no one should want to be blamed for every little thing for 4 calendar years.
Trump may be a walking 4th grade sociopath, but let's examine the five most corrupt U.S Presidents in comparison...
Andrew Johnson - the man who took over arguably the most important U.S. President in American History. Andrew Johnson was essentially picked by Lincoln to win support in the Southern states before the Civil War launched. Johnson was a former slave-owner who still held views of black inferiority. His best friend was John C. Calhoun, the worst human being in U.S. history. His racist views were so harsh that Congress had to override his veto, and pass the 14th Amendment just to protect blacks' citizenship rights. Doesn't necessarily make him corrupt, but he did stand trial for impeachment for trying to remove his Secretary of War. He is considered the worst U.S. President in history by many historians.

Warren G. Harding - If you're a fan of the HBO series Boardwalk Empire, you saw first-hand how corrupt Warren G. Harding's Presidential election was per the "Ohio Gang" series. His public and political life was marred with scandals. He had a baby out of wedlock while he was in office. He literally appointed bootleggers and criminals to prominent positions. After his sudden death in 1923, his wife burned all his papers in hopes of preserving his legacy. The Teapot Dome scandal secured his place as among the worst Presidents in U.S. History.
Ulysses S. Grant - War hero? Check. Civil Rights champion? Check. Gambler? Check. Alcoholic? Check. Grant had the classic pedigree of war hero becoming President. He inherited a country trying to recover from civil war, and by most historians, did a great job considering the circumstances. Corrupt? Oddly enough, he has more Presidential scandals under his belt than any other President in U.S History!! (There's literally an entire wikipedia page on this) Like Harding, Grant appointed some shady mofos, and his cabinet was marred by bribes, tax evasion, and embezzlement. Mark Twain called his era the "Gilded Age", marking his era of wealth and growth in the U.S. marred by scandals. Grant left office broke and in serious debt.
Ronald Reagan - ohhhh noooo!! Not the precious right-wing conservative hero!!! Not the man that tripled the national debt. Not the man who's daughter wrote a tell-all book about his scandalous ways!! Oh noooooo.
Yes. THAT Ronald Reagan. The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president!! And y'all are worried about Trump. Not to mention the whole Iran-Contra affair that we are STILL paying the ramifications of to this day. The FX series "Archer" actually had a hilarious 3-series episode based on this affair, except the country is San Marcos instead of Nicaragua.
Lauryn Hill - you know I wanna do it. But I won't
Richard Nixon - Mr. Watergate himself. We don't need to go too much into detail. Nixon is literally the face of the corrupt politicians. His nickname is literally Tricky Dick. His Presidency is heralded by historians as the most corrupt administration in U.S. History.
With Mr. Trump headed toward impeachment the Presidency, he has a low bar to get over if he wants to be a successful President. His rumored hirings aren't very encouraging, and considering his lack of preparation as a politician, our skepticism as a country is well-earned.
Honorable mention goes to George W. Bush. He's lucky he's now a lovable loser now. Or else, he would be #1 on this list.
Dictated not read